
Using genograms in practice: Practice Tool (2024)

Published: 30/08/2024

Author: Scott., H


This Practice Tool guides practitioners in using genograms throughout their practice, of which uses include:

  • Exploring and understanding the full family network including preparation for family group conferences or kinship care.
  • Encouraging curiosity and a strengths-based approach in understanding family behaviours.
  • Informing and supporting planning.
  • Supporting and understanding a child in care’s identity and relationships.

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Relationships and effective direct work | Child and family assessment | Analysis, decision-making, planning and review | The law and the family and youth justice systems | Purposeful and effective social work | Developing excellent practitioners | Creating a context for excellent practice

PCF - Intervention and skills | Critical reflection and analysis

RCOT - Understanding relationship

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This August 2024 version is the latest update of the original, first published in February 2021.