Using Adolescent-Focused Low-Intensity Life Story Work

Using Adolescent-Focused Low-Intensity Life Story Work

Delivered online using Teams


12:00 - 13:30 Thursday, 4 July 2024

Adolescent-Focused Low-intensity Life Story Work describes the day-to-day ways in which a young person’s carer, rather than a specialist professional, can work to record positive aspects of everyday experiences in a flexible, ongoing way.

This webinar shares work carried out by a team of researchers led by Dr Simon P Hammond from the University of East Anglia as part of the LIMITLESS research programme. The research highlights why Adolescent-Focused Low-intensity Life Story Work is an area of need and what impactful practice in this area looks like. Recently developed principles for Adolescent-Focused Low-Intensity Life Story Work coming out of this work will be introduced and discussed.

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Audience Types


Principal Social Worker (PSW)

Residential / care home workers

Social workers

Senior practitioners

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Relationships and effective direct work | Promote and govern excellent practice | Lead and govern excellent practice

CQC - Effective

PCF - Intervention and skills