Using family group conferences to enable family-led decision making in child welfare

Using family group conferences to enable family led decision making in child welfare

The Care Review and the Government response (Stable Homes Built on Love) strongly foreground the need for family led decision making in supporting parents and children, including involving family and friends as kinship carers or Special Guardians when required.

Family Rights Group (FRG) are the national experts on Family Group Conferencing. In this workshop FRG will draw out principles and golden threads of successfully supporting family group decision making as a core element in early help, targeted support, statutory social work and pre proceedings and when children come into the care of the state.

This workshop offers essential frameworks for making the most of family participation in local social care systems.

Audience Types


Senior leaders

Senior practitioners

Strategic leads

Principal Social Worker (PSW)

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Relationships and effective direct work | Child and family assessment | Effective use of power and authority | Shaping and influencing the practice system | Designing a system to support effective practice

PCF - Intervention and skills | Rights, justice and economic wellbeing