Whose voice and whose information?

Published: 25/06/2024

Dr Liam Berriman from the University of Sussex research team discusses how information and voice are recorded within case records and the ethical considerations around how we bring a variety of voices into these records.

Dr Liam Berriman from the University of Sussex research team discusses how information and voice are recorded within case records and the ethical considerations around how we bring a variety of voices into these records.

Talking Points 

This video looks at:

  • How case records relatedly concern many people.

  • The redaction of voices within records.

Length: 3 minutes.

Reflective questions

Consider examples from your own organisations and practice:

  1. What steps would you undertake to understand the variety of voices that are contained within a case record and the implications of recording them?

Children's Information project: Video learning resources

Shapes and informs the support and services provided to meet and respond to the diverse needs of children, young people and families.
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