Going beyond a tick-box culture

Published: 25/06/2024

Dr Perpetua Kirby talks about the factors that we should consider to go beyond tick-box culture and processes into a place where we are actively considering how we collect and use information and voice to shape our work.

Dr Perpetua Kirby talks about the factors that we should consider to go beyond tick-box culture and processes into a place where we are actively considering how we collect and use information and voice to shape our work.

Talking Points 

This video looks at:

  • Issues around power.

  • The avoidance of harm.

  • Security protocols and potential vulnerabilities.

  • Harms to the environment.

  • Access to data ethics expertise.

  • Fostering professional values.

Length: 7 minutes.

Reflective questions

Consider examples from your own organisations and practice:

  1. How are you considering power when collecting and using information and voice?

  2. Do you have access to data ethics expertise? If not, how might your organisation develop expertise and capacity in this area?

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