Practice Supervisor Development Programme

The Practice Supervisor Development Programme provided continuous professional development for social workers who were responsible for supporting and developing the practice of others.

The Practice Supervisor Development Programme (PSDP) was a significant investment by the Department for Education and provided high-quality continuous professional development (CPD) for 4,500 social workers taking up their first role in which they were responsible for supporting and developing the practice of others.

The programme aimed to empower practitioners to build confidence, mobilise academic knowledge and practice expertise, and work in partnership with the sector. The programme also recognised the key role that employers and leaders play in enabling high-quality learning.

The course encompassed face-to-face ‘classroom’ sessions, small group practice development, as well as individual development sessions. A series of self and manager evaluations were carried out at intervals, prior to starting the course, at the end of the course, and some months after to establish levels of skills, knowledge, and confidence, and future CPD needs.

A bespoke website contained open-access resources and tools to support practice supervisors and middle leaders in child and family social work who are responsible for supervising the practice of others. Many of the resources are adapted from teaching materials used in the PSDP. 

The PSDP was led by Research in Practice, Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation TrustGoldsmiths University and the University of Sussex.

Bespoke programmes

At Research in Practice we undertake a wide range of bespoke commissioned activities – from single workshop facilitation through to large-scale collaborative, national projects. This can include tailored training and development programmes designed to meet your organisational needs.

To discuss how we can work with you, contact us.

Practice Supervisor Development Programme resources