
Using research - Tools to support evidence-informed practice: Practice Tool (2023)

Published: 19/01/2023

Author: Leech J, Johnstone L


Research shows that using evidence in practice supports individuals to be more confident and competent in what they do, and supports organisations to learn and improve. Both of these factors contribute to an improved experience and more effective support for those that access it.

This resource is designed to support practitioners, managers and organisations to embed the use of research in policy and practice.

Resource tools

Tool 1: What do we mean by knowledge?

A short exercise to help us reflect on where our knowledge comes from and help start conversations about research use.

Tool 2: How evidence-informed are you? (for Managers)

Aims to help managers, supervisors and others responsible for developing practice unpick their own attitude to research use.

Tool 3: How evidence-informed are you? (for Practitioners)

Supports practitioners to reflect on their use of research in practice. It can be used individually, in supervision as part of professional development or as a team exercise.

Tool 4: Modelling evidence-informed practice (for leaders in practice development roles)

A useful tool to support to model evidence-informed practice in your role as a leader or developer of practice.

Tool 5: Gaining support for evidence-informed practice

Tying research in to current issues provides an important steer for strategic engagement and will help you to positively influence evidence-informed practice.

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Analysis, decision-making, planning and review | Organisational context | Effective use of power and authority | Developing excellent practitioners | Shaping and influencing the practice system | Promote and govern excellent practice | Performance management and improvement | Lead and govern excellent practice | Support effective decision-making | Quality assurance and improvement | Supervision, critical analysis and reflection | Organisational context | Influencing and governing practice excellence within the organisation and community | Developing confident and capable social workers | Assuring good social work practice and development | Promoting and supporting critical analysis and decision-making | Performance management and improvement

CQC - Effective | Well-led

PCF - Knowledge | Critical reflection and analysis | Contexts and organisations | Professional leadership

RCOT - Demonstrate quality | Qualified

Digital downloads

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Tool 1

Tool 2

Tool 3

Tool 4

Tool 5

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This January 2023 version is the latest update of the original, first published in July 2014.