Working together with parents with learning disabilities

Published: 04/03/2025

Author: Working Together with Parents Network

Professionals working with parents with learning disabilities are welcomed to join the Working Together with Parents Network.

The Working Together with Parents Network supports professionals working with parents with learning disabilities and learning difficulties, and their children. It's a UK-wide network for professionals sharing positive practice that seeks to engage with key stakeholders from adults and children’s social care, health, education, legal and independent advocacy sectors to work towards a common vision and effective ways of joint working.

The network offers dedicated resources designed to support professionals working with parents with learning disabilities and learning difficulties. By joining the network, you will be kept up to date with policy, practice and key legal developments. You will also offered opportunities to exchange knowledge and share practice with fellow professionals and experts across the field. 

The Working Together with Parents Network is free to join and is now hosted by Research in Practice, a part of the National Children’s Bureau (NCB).

Book your place - Welcome to the Working Together with Parents Network

Join an upcoming webinar welcoming new members to the Working Together with Parents Network. You will have the opportunity to:

A new home for the Working Together with Parents Network

Research in Practice, part of the NCB family, is proud to become the new home for the Working Together with Parents Network. Following 18 years at the School for Policy Studies at Bristol University and with over 1,000 members, the network aims to raise awareness of the issues that parents face and improve ways that parents with learning disabilities and learning difficulties are supported.  

Together, NCB and Research in Practice look forward to using our combined expertise to elevate the networks national visibility and ability to influence government, push for systems change and support practice improvement with parents. 

Research in Practice

With 30 years’ experience working with, and for, professionals in the social care, health, criminal justice and higher education sectors, Research in Practice offers evidence-informed resources, learning opportunities, programmes, and specialist expertise. This includes an extensive catalogue of resources including a strategic briefing on supporting parents who have learning disabilities and a podcast on risks, rights and the role of the state: parents with learning disabilities.

National Children's Bureau

For over 60 years NCB has driven changes to improve the systems and networks that support children, young people and families. As the secretariat of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children, NCB has run parliamentary events on family help and produced reports relevant to parents with learning disabilities and learning difficulties. This includes No Good Options that found significant regional variation in the number of children accessing children’s social care services and Storing Up Trouble, which found a postcode lottery in the levels of support offered to children and families. As the host of the Lambeth Early Action Partnership, NCB also has experience in developing parenting programmes.  

Working Together with Parents Network

The Working Together with Parents Network supports professionals working with parents with learning disabilities and learning difficulties and their children.