How do we build a positive culture of supervision throughout our organisations? Explore a new open access resource hub to support practice supervisors for Social Work Week.
Practitioners need space for reflection and testing out ideas in supervision. In busy practice contexts, it is easy for reflection to be squeezed out and many practitioners say that they would like to reflect more in supervision. Practice supervisors can make a real difference.
The aim of the hub is to build a positive culture of supervision throughout an organisation. It contains practical ideas and tips, learning from research and ideas about how to put learning into practice in supervision. The collection replaces the Practice Supervisor Development Programme (PSDP) website with many of the materials updated or improved. The first three chapters are now available, they cover:
- Building effective supervision relationships
- Using group supervision
- Emotional resilience and containment
The final three chapters will be released later in 2025 alongside a range of resources to support practice leaders. All resources are open access and applicable to children’s and adults services.
Reflective supervision: Learning Hub
An open access resource and tool hub to support practice supervisors and middle leaders who are responsible for the practice of others.
Using the resources
The resources within the hub can be used flexibly. Practice supervisors can dip in and out as they see fit.
Alternatively, aspiring practice supervisors, or those who are new in role, can work through the chapters in order. When used in this way, the chapters build progressively to provide a substantial CPD opportunity.
In a new blog, Georgina Chetwynd introduces the concept of intervision - which is one model used within group supervision sessions. She outlines how this is used to improve practice and how it can support organisations.
Using intervision to improve practice
Intervision is one of the main models of group supervision. It’s a space where colleagues come together to share thoughts on a dilemma, and hopefully go away seeing them differently. In this blog, Georgina Chetwynd outlines the model.
Developing the resources
The collection builds on and updates the Practice Supervisor Development Programme (PSDP) website and many of the materials have been updated or improved. PSDP was a significant learning programme commissioned by the Department for Education. It aimed to empower practitioners to build confidence, mobilise academic knowledge and practice expertise, and work in partnership with the sector.
An archive of previous PSDP resources is available as part of the hub and historic ones are available on request.
In our short video below, Alison Domakin outlines why building a culture of reflective supervision is crucial for all organisations.