Supporting adults and young people who are carers

Published: 06/06/2022

Author: Research in Practice

To supportCarers Week, we have brought together Research in Practice learning resources to support working with carers. 

Carers provide unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who has a disability, illness, mental health condition, addiction, or who needs extra help as they grow older.  

Experiences of caring will be unique to individual carers and the people they care for. Our Practice Tool on responding to the voice of older carers – building on what works aims to ensure that carers views and experiences are heard and reflected in order to support meaningful decision-making. Additionally, our open access carers website contains resources that give an insight into the different types of caring, some of the common challenges experienced by carers and guidance for working with them effectively.

View the practice tool. 

View the carers website. Open access.