Supporting children, families and adults across housing and social care

Supporting children, families and adults across housing and social care

This event shares an evidence base and practice learning for housing and social care professionals. It considers the challenges that people can face when drawing upon social care and housing services simultaneously, and the opportunities to better align support across the sectors.

The workshop is open to practitioners from children and families services, adults social care, and housing departments, providing an opportunity to learn with, and from, each other. Please note that although this event is open to all partners, the legislative content is specific to England.

Explore Research in Practice resources, developed as part of the Families and Homes Change Project, to support children, families and adults at the intersection of social care and housing.

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We will contact you should places become available.

Audience Types


Social workers

Team leaders

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Child and family assessment | Organisational context | Purposeful and effective social work | Developing confident and capable social workers

CQC - Effective | Responsive | Safe

PCF - Rights, justice and economic wellbeing | Knowledge | Intervention and skills

RCOT - Service users | Identify needs