Promoting anti-racist practice

Promoting anti-racist practice

Delivered online using Teams


12:00 - 13:00 Wednesday, 7 February 2024

This webinar will focus on promoting anti-racist practice.

The session is part of our rolling programme of engagement activities. Join us for 60 minutes on the first Wednesday of the month to explore key messages on a core topic, reflect on the impact on practice, and discover Research in Practice resources to help you to further engage with the subject.

Audience Types


Policy makers

Residential / care home workers

Senior leaders

Senior practitioners

Social workers

Strategic leads

Team leaders

Workforce development teams

Principal Social Worker (PSW)

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Analysis, decision-making, planning and review | Promote and govern excellent practice | Lead and govern excellent practice | Supervision, critical analysis and reflection | Developing confident and capable social workers

CQC - Effective | Well-led

PCF - Professionalism | Critical reflection and analysis

RCOT - Demonstrate quality