Engagement Support Session - August

Engagement Support Session - August

Delivered online using Teams


13:30 - 15:30 Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Join us for up to two hours on the last Wednesday of the month to share experiences and learn from others about how to get the most from your Partnership with Research in Practice. Designed to complement the Link Officer Toolkit these sessions will help you to develop strategies to embed evidence-informed practice within your organisation.

Open to Link Officers, Strategic Champions, Principal Social Workers, Principal Occupational Therapists, and all colleagues with a practice development role, the sessions are suitable for those new to Research in Practice as well as those with more experience, who are looking for new ideas.


Engagement Support sessions

Designed for Link Officers, Champions, Principal Social Workers, and Principal Occupational Therapists, these sessions support attendees with getting the most from the Research in Practice membership.
Find out more

If the above event (or occurrence of an event) is displaying as 'Event Full' and you would like to be added to a waiting list, please email events@researchinpractice.org.uk detailing the required event title, event time and date.

We will contact you should places become available.

Audience Types

Principal Social Worker (PSW)

Workforce development teams

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Organisational context | Developing excellent practitioners | Creating a context for excellent practice | Developing excellent practitioners | Organisational context | Assuring good social work practice and development | Influencing and governing practice excellence within the organisation and community | Developing confident and capable social workers | Promoting and supporting critical analysis and decision-making

CQC - Effective | Well-led

PCF - Knowledge | Critical reflection and analysis | Intervention and skills | Contexts and organisations

RCOT - Qualified | Support development