Peer reflection: Recording CPD with Social Work England
Peer reflection: Recording CPD with Social Work England
Peer reflection means having a conversation with another professional about something you have learnt in a way that changes your practice. Many social workers will already be having these conversations in different ways, for example:
informal conversations with colleagues in the office
supervision with a manager
group supervision
reflective team meetings
discussion groups as part of an event or learning day.
All registered social workers practicing in England need to record peer reflection annually with Social Work England as part of their CPD record. Join this session to explore what peer reflection is, and to take part in peer reflection about a Research in Practice resource.
Audience Types
Social workers
Workforce development teams
Team leaders
Professional Standards
PQS:KSS - The role of supervision | Organisational context | Supervision, critical analysis and reflection | Organisational context
PCF - Knowledge | Critical reflection and analysis