Reflective supervision: Learning Hub

Published: 17/03/2025

An open access resource hub to support practice supervisors and middle leaders who are responsible for the practice of others and supports organisations to develop a positive culture of supervision. Resources are relevant to both children's and adults services.


The aim of this hub is to build a positive culture of supervision throughout an organisation. It contains practical tips, learning from research and ideas about how to put learning into practice in supervision.

All resources in the learning hub are open access and relevant to both children's and adults services. The collection replaces the Practice Supervisor Development Programme (PSDP) website with many of the materials being updated and improved. A repository of previous PSDP resources is available as part of the hub and historic ones are available on request. They will be useful for any organisation working with people who draw on care and support.

At its best reflective supervision offers a safe space to slow down and think, explore possibilities, and consider how to do the work well. 

Resources for practice supervisors

Practitioners need space for reflection and testing out ideas in supervision. In busy practice contexts, it is easy for reflection to be squeezed out and many practitioners say that they would like to reflect more in supervision. Practice supervisors can make a real difference here. Because of this, most of the resources in the learning hub are aimed at first line managers or anyone who supervises, or is responsible for, the work of practitioners.


The hub is organised into six chapters. The first three chapters are now available. The final three chapters will be released later in 2025 alongside a range of resources to support practice leaders.

The collection replaces the Practice Supervisor Development Programme (PSDP) website and many of the materials have been updated and improved. PSDP was a significant learning programme commissioned by the Department for Education. It aimed to empower practitioners to build confidence, mobilise academic knowledge and practice expertise, and work in partnership with the sector.

A respositry of previous PSDP resources is available as part of the hub and historic ones are available on request. Please contact our team who will be able to support you. 

Each chapter contains a variety of research briefings, practice guides, practical tools, exercises and links to relevant research which provide practical ideas and tips, learning from research and ideas about how to put learning into practice in supervision. Each short chapter will take approximately 45 minutes to work through.

You can use the resources flexibly - feel free to dip in and out to suit your needs. We recommend leaving a space between reading the chapters, if you can, so that you can try out the ideas in supervision sessions.

If you are an aspiring practice supervisor or new to this role, we suggest that you work through the chapters in order as part of your CPD.

This repository contains an archive of materials previously hosted on the Practice Supervisor Development Programme website.

View the resources

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - Promote and govern excellent practice | Developing excellent practitioners | Purposeful and effective social work | Emotionally intelligent practice supervision | Effective use of power and authority | Lead and govern excellent practice | Creating a context for excellent practice | Developing confident and capable social workers | Relationship-based practice supervision | Effective use of power and authority as a practice supervisor

CQC - Safe | Effective | Well-led

PCF - Critical reflection and analysis | Professional leadership