
Digital inclusion. Using digital technology positively and safely: Practice Tool (2022)

Published: 18/02/2022

Author: Lambell C, Slinn E, Shand S, Wild J and Sutton J

This resource has been co-produced with a team of women who have learning disabilities, learning difficulties and / or autism, this practice tool draws from lived experience and research of accessing and using digital technologies and the internet.

The full version includes four practical tools for direct use with people who have care and support needs.

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - The role of social workers | Person-centred practice | Direct work with individuals and families | Developing confident and capable social workers | Assuring good social work practice and development

CQC - Effective | Safe

PCF - Diversity and equality | Rights, justice and economic wellbeing | Intervention and skills

RCOT - Service users | Communication

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