
Professional curiosity in safeguarding adults: Strategic Briefing (2020)

Published: 09/12/2020

Author: Thacker H, Anka A, Penhale B

Professional curiosity is a concept which has been recognised as important in the area of safeguarding children for many years. More recently, Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) have highlighted a similar need for professional curiosity in safeguarding adults with care and support needs. Curiosity is required to support practitioners to question and challenge the information they receive, identify concerns and make connections to enable a greater understanding of a person’s situation.

This Strategic Briefing draws from research and Safeguarding Adults Reviews to examine the nature of professional curiosity, some of the barriers that inhibit professionally curious practice, and the enablers that strategic leaders can put in place to create the conditions for a culture of curiosity in their organisations.

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - The role of social workers | Person-centred practice | Safeguarding | Mental capacity | Effective assessments and outcome based support planning | Direct work with individuals and families | Supervision, critical analysis and reflection | Organisational context | Professional ethics and leadership | Values and ethics | Developing confident and capable social workers | Performance management and improvement

CQC - Safe | Effective

PCF - Professionalism | Values and ethics | Diversity and equality

RCOT - Screen needs | Develop intervention | Demonstrate quality | Communication

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