Heads Together: Brain injury and social work

Heads Together: Brain injury and social work

Delivered online using Teams


12:00 - 13:30 Monday, 9 September 2024

In this webinar, the Heads Together research team, including members of their experts by experience governance group, will share findings and key messages from their research into social work and people who have an acquired brain injury.

The term ‘acquired brain injury’ refers to any injury to the brain that occurs after birth. This includes a physical blow (for example, as a result of accident, an assault or while participating in a sport), or a medical event (such as a stroke or a brain haemorrhage).

This webinar will provide an opportunity to explore the role of social work in supporting people who have an acquired brain injury, and to introduce the Brain Injury Social Work Platform which contains accessible resources to support effective social work education, practice and commissioning in this area.

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We will contact you should places become available.

Audience Types

Principal Social Worker (PSW)

Senior practitioners

Social workers

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - The role of social workers | Safeguarding | Developing confident and capable social workers

CQC - Safe | Effective

PCF - Knowledge

RCOT - Service users