Good decision-making in adult social care

Good decision-making

Good decision-making

Practitioners in adult social care contribute to important decisions that affect people’s lives. The purpose of these decisions, set out in the Care Act 2014, is to promote the wellbeing of adults and carers.

An upcoming workshop will explore the decision-making skills needed to improve the experiences and outcomes of people who draw on social care.

Emphasising the importance of co-production, this session will examine the fundamentals of good decision-making and the factors that challenge this. Through consideration of examples, we will explore approaches and support systems that enhance decision-making. Finally, we will look at emerging developments that can affect decision-making such as artificial intelligence and climate change.

This session is designed for those working directly with adults and carers, and those who support their decision-making, such as supervisors, first-line managers and practice development staff.

Learning Outcomes

  • To ensure people whose lives are affected by decisions are in control of what happens.
  • To embed decision-making that is based on wellbeing, equity and rights.
  • To understand why decisions are made in adult social care, what decisions are made and who makes them.
  • To consider the context for decision making and how to respond to this.
  • To explore what makes a good decision.
  • To develop capabilities and approaches to making good decisions.
  • To increase support for decision-making.
  • To consider how decision-making is evolving and respond to this.

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We will contact you should places become available.

Audience Types

Social workers

Workforce development teams

Principal Social Worker (PSW)


Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - The role of social workers | Effective assessments and outcome based support planning | Direct work with individuals and families | Developing confident and capable social workers | Assuring good social work practice and development | Promoting and supporting critical analysis and decision-making

CQC - Effective | Caring | Responsive

RCOT - Collaborative | Communication | Understanding relationship | Service users