Using intersectionality to increase equity in adult social care

Using intersectionality to increase equity in adult social care

Delivered online using Microsoft Teams.


12:00 - 14:00 Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Intersectionality is a tool for analysing how different forms of oppression interact and intersect to influence lived experiences.

This online event will introduce new resources, developed through a Change Project, that consider how to use intersectionality as a tool to explore the practices, attitudes and actions needed to overcome barriers, challenge oppression and increase equity.

Audience Types


Senior leaders

Strategic leads

Social workers

Team leaders

Workforce development teams

Principal Social Worker (PSW)

Professional Standards

PQS:KSS - The role of social workers | Person-centred practice | Direct work with individuals and families | Supervision, critical analysis and reflection | Organisational context | Professional ethics and leadership | Effective assessments and outcome based support planning | Values and ethics | Influencing and governing practice excellence within the organisation and community | Developing confident and capable social workers | Assuring good social work practice and development | Promoting and supporting critical analysis and decision-making | Relationship-based practice supervision | Effective use of power and authority as a practice supervisor | Performance management and improvement

CQC - Safe | Effective | Caring | Responsive | Well-led

PCF - Values and ethics | Professionalism | Diversity and equality | Critical reflection and analysis | Contexts and organisations | Professional leadership | Knowledge | Rights, justice and economic wellbeing | Intervention and skills

RCOT - Understanding relationship | Service users | Develop intervention